Refunds & Returns
Cancelling an order
If for any reason you wish to cancel your order, please contact us, quoting the order number, date of order and your name. Please note that in many cases, your order will be picked, packed and dispatched moments after placing your order. If you have received your order and would still like to cancel, please contact us quoting the order number, the date of delivery of the order, the date of ordering & your name. All of which will be on the invoice enclosed within your order.
Under the distance selling regulations, if you are contracting with us as a consumer online you have the right to cancel your contract (order) at any time up to 14 working days after the day on which you receive your goods. All goods must be returned to us promptly in a re saleable condition, i.e perfect, unopened packaging or used in any way.
You are responsible for any costs incurred in returning the goods to us and we suggest that you use a method of return with some element of traceability, i.e recorded delivery or parcel carrier. We cannot be held responsible for any losses which occur during transit.
Incorrectly ordered Items.
Incorrectly ordered items can be returned to us at the purchaser expense for a full refund less 30% restocking charge. The incorrectly ordered items have to returned un damaged in sale able condition. Please enclose full details(order number, contact address, e-mail) so we can identify the cartridges to give a refund to. We cannot refund an un identified package. When returning incorrectly ordered cartridges, we advise that you use a method with some form of traceability, we cannot be held responsible for any items lost in transit. You will be informed by phone or e-mail of the receipt of any returned cartridges at our Lincoln address. Please return all items being returned to us to the address in our contact details below.
Our Contact Details Are As Follows
Tel: 01522-683460 between 10am/4pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
A B Cartridges Ltd
Unit 16 Whisby way Business Centre
Whisby way
Guarantee / Returning Items
We Guarantee every product we sell 100% no quibble for 6 months from the date of purchase, (except bankrupt stock items in which the product description clearly states the item is sold as seen. i.e no guarantee on performance of product). In the unlikely event of a product from this company failing to perform as advertised please contact us at the details above to arrange a refund or replacement of the item.
To enable us to process your return under guarantee or cancellation of order rapidly and accurately, please contact us at the above contact details by either phone or e-mail about goods you are returning to us due to cancellation of an order or under the terms of our guarantee. We cannot process any unidentified goods that are returned to us with out identifying paper work.
If goods are being returned through our warehouse in Lincoln, the goods must be returned along with the purchase invoice/proof of purchase from this company. We cannot process any claim under our guarantee without proof of purchase & proof of date of purchase from this company. The purchase invoice provides both of these requirements.